My name is Paul Paniagua,
I am one of the owners of all pro builders. I wanted to thank you for putting up with us for the past 10 years that I want to say I am sorry for any convenience our company may have caused you. With all that being said I want to introduce ourselves we are making some changes around here at all pro builders to be able to better help our community out. Since you are closest neighbors we want to start with all of you I wanted to offer to you if there is in anyway we can be of service to you please give us a call. One of the ways we give back to her community is we’d love to sponsor Little League teams any kind of sports so if any of you have kids grandkids that need a sponsor please feel free to call our office or come by and drop the form off. We also host Bible study here on Wednesday nights at 6:30 that I would like to extend an invite to anybody that might want to come. If any of you are in need of prayer for you or your family or anybody that you know we would love for you to send us their names or drop by with a list of their names and we can add them to our prayer list if any of you here in the neighborhood need prayer personally and want to come in on Wednesday nights we’d would Love to pray for you.
Paul Paniagua